Study plan

The following study plan refers to the students who enroll in the current academic year to the first year of the Bachelor's Degree in Biological Sciences. Therefore, for all the courses of the following years, the name of the responsible is not known yet. To see the study plan related to previous enrolment years, either check in the "Useful links" section or use the links at the bottom of the page.

For more information about what the study plan is, how and when you must fill it in and submit it, please refer to the dedicated University's site page here.

Study plan - Enrolment year 2024/2025
First Year
  • BOTANY 9 ECTS - 76 hours 2nd semester
  • PHYSICS 9 ECTS - 72 hours 2nd semester
  • ZOOLOGY 9 ECTS - 72 hours 2nd semester
Second Year
Third Year
Compulsory Choose a subject Choose 12 ECTS (CFU) (12 CFU) 15 Elective ECTS to be selected among the entire available academic offer of the university. The degree programme recommends: (15 CFU)